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YWM2020–VIRTUAL Session Videos

We are proud to present this year’s YWM session videos as a part of your OAC Premium Access Membership. As always, this year’s sessions were presented by top-notch experts in weight and health featuring a diverse range of topics in an easy-to-understand format.

Session 1: Thinking Differently about Your Weight
Presented by: Scott Kahan, MD, MPH
Click here to download slides (.PDF)

Session 2: The Rollercoaster of Life: Major Events and Personal Factors that Impact Weight
Presented by: Robert Kushner, MD
Click here to download slides (.PDF)

Session 3: Why is it So Hard to Lose Weight and Keep it off?
Presented by Kevin Hall, PhD
Click here to download slides (.PDF)

Session 4: “Eat Less, Move More” – We Know it’s Not that Simple: Finding Your Evidence-based Approach
Presented by: Christopher D. Still, DO, FACN, FACP

Click here to download slides (.PDF)

Session 5: Adapting to a Changing World – Adding to Your Mental Health Toolbox
Presented by: Paul B. Davidson

Click here to download slides (.PDF)

Session 6: Become a Food BOSS: Manage Stress Eating, Beat Food Boredom, and Learn How to Feel in Charge
Presented by: Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, CSSD, LDN
Click here to download slides (.PDF)

Session 7: Just Keep Moving Forward- Staying Active in Challenging Times
Presented by: Tim Church, MD, MPH, PhD
Click here to download slides (.PDF)

Session 8: Figuring out Your New Family Flow: Master the ABC’s of Your “New Normal”
Presented by: Nina Crowley, PhD, RDN, LD
Click here to download slides (.PDF)

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