OAC committees play a vital role in helping the OAC achieve its mission and goals. We are grateful for members who volunteer their time and talents to serve the OAC in key areas. The OAC’s working committees spend countless hours planning, developing and implementing new initiatives and components, all focused to carry out the initiatives of the OAC. Below, you will find a list of all current and active OAC Committees. Please click on the committee name to read more about the function and members of each volunteer group:
- Access to Care Committee
- Convention Planning Committee
- Education Committee
- Executive Committee
- Inclusivity and Diversity Task Force
- Leadership Circle
- Long-range Planning Committee
- Membership Committee
- Mental Health Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Weight Bias Committee
How to Submit Your Interest in an OAC Committee
We welcome the interest of our members who would like to serve on one of our working committees. Because each OAC Committee has different needs, capacities and duties/responsibilities, we ask that members first submit their interest using the below online form or downloadable PDF. Once your interest is received, your information will be sent to the respective Committee Chair for review and next steps. Each committee has a separate application process, and the chair or staff liaison for the committee in which you are interested will be in contact to provide you the information to submit a formal application if there is an immediate need.
If there is a need, the chair of the committee will contact you to learn more about your interest. Please note that not all committees have openings at this time, so if you don’t hear back immediately please do not be discouraged. The OAC typically looks to add new committee members in January of each year, so we will keep your application on file for future consideration. In the meantime, we hope you will get actively involved in other ways through the OAC’s Community.
CLICK HERE to download your Committee Interest Application.
If you have any questions about the status of your interest or application, or general questions about OAC Committees, please contact the OAC at (800) 717-3117 or info@obesityaction.org.
OAC Committee Descriptions
Access to Care Committee
The Access to Care Committee was created to improve access to obesity care and treatment. The Committee is currently focused on reducing barriers that prevent an individual’s access to intensive behavioral treatment, pharmaceutical therapy and bariatric surgery. The Access to Care Committee also strives to not focus on any one area of treatment, but to provide individuals with the opportunity to explore all of the options available to them.
Committee Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Patty Nece, JD – Immediate-past OAC Chair
Elysia Everett Burns
Kesha Calicutt
Nina Crowley, PhD, RDN, LD
Jaime Fivecoat, MBA
Faith Ann Heeren
Amber Huett-Garcia, BS, MPA
Scott Kahan, MD, MPH
Jason Krynicki
Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA
Walter Lindstrom, ESQ
Laura Ptaszek, MS
Lindsay Schmitz, MS, RD, LDN
Shelley Turk, JD
Ava Zebrick
Joe Nadglowski – Staff Liaison
Tracy Zvenyach, PhD, MS, RN – Staff Liason
Sarah M. Bramblette, MSHL – Staff Liason
Chris Gallagher – OAC Policy Consultant
Convention Committee
The Convention Committee is responsible for developing the Annual Your Weight Matters National Convention. The committee works to develop the Convention, its theme, program agenda and much more. Within the Convention Committee are many other committees and sub committees (outlined below) responsible for various aspects of the Convention.
Planning Committee Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Nina Crowley, PhD, RDN, LD – Committee Co-chair
Elizabeth Paul – Committee Co-chair
Tammy Beaumont, RN, BSN
Jaime Fivecoat, MBA
Debe Gau
Christopher D. Still, DO, FACN, FACP
Ava Zebrick
Michelle Vicari – Staff Liaison
Sub Committees and Ad Hoc Committees
Program Agenda Committee
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Scott Kahan, MD, MPH – Committee Chair
Robert Kushner, MD – Committee Co-chair
Pam Davis, RN, BSN, CBN, MBA
Tammy Beaumont, RN, BSN
Paul Davidson, PhD
Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA
Merrill Littleberry, LCSW, LCDC, CCM, CI-CPT
Christopher D. Still, DO, FACN, FACP
Cassie I. Story, RD
Michelle Vicari – Staff Liaison
Welcome Committee
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Debe Gau – Committee Chair
Nanette Adams, MED, LPC
Sarah M. Bramblette, MSHL
Kesha Calicutt
Marty Enokson
Jaime Fivecoat, MBA
Mary Grisaffi
Yelena Kibasova
Jason Krynicki
Scholarship Subcommittee
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Pam Davis, RN, BSN, CBN, MBA
Amber Huett-Garcia, BS, MPA
Nikki Massie, MA
Education Committee
The Education Committee assists in the development of comprehensive and robust educational resources for our members and supporters. The committee focuses its efforts to ensure that materials reflect the diverse nature of our membership and supporters and are made available in multiple formats to best accommodate the needs of our targeted population. The committee also works with various partners on furthering the understanding of weight bias and stigma and how it affects the population at large.
Committee Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Sunil Daniel, MD, FTOS – Committee Chair
Nina Crowley, PhD, RDN, LD – Committee Co-chair
Kipp Hopper, MD
Priya Jaisinghani, MD
James Zervios – Staff Liaison
Michelle Vicari – Staff Liaison
Sarah Bramblette, MSHL – Staff Liason
Subject matter experts per project needs
Executive Committee
The responsibilities and operations of the Executive Committee are outlined by the Code of the Regulations of the Association.
Committee Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Patty Nece, JD – Immediate-past OAC Chair
Pam Davis, RN, BSN, CBN, MBA
Amber Huett-Garcia, BS, MPA
Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA
Joe Nadglowski – Staff Liaison
Inclusivity and Diversity Task Force
Task Force Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Nikki Massie, MA –Task Force Chair
Jeanne Blankenship, MS, RD, CLE – Task Force Co-chair
Kesha Calicutt
Sunil Daniel, MD, FTOS
Jaime Fivecoat, MBA
Amber Huett-Garcia, BS, MPA
Holly Lofton, MD
Michelle Mata
Aleida Pagoaga
Elizabeth Paul
Ahn Vu Pham
Dana Rosser
Kevin Stephens
Michele Tedder, MSN, RN, BCC
Joe Nadglowski – Staff Liaison
James Zervios – Staff Liaison
Leadership Circle
The Leadership Circle is an advisory group comprised of former OAC board members tasked with providing input on key OAC issues to the OAC board and committees and serve as a source of institutional memory.
Committee Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Robin Blackstone, MD, FACS
Jeff Haaga
Jacqueline Jacques, ND
Robert Kushner, MD
Walter Lindstrom, ESQ
Holly Lofton, MD
Georgeann Mallory, RD
Rebecca Puhl, PhD
Christopher D. Still, DO, FACN, FACP
Barbara Thompson, MLS
Long-range Planning Committee
The Long-range Planning Committee is responsible for developing and monitoring the long-term strategic goals for the organization, ultimately seeking approval from the OAC National Board of Directors. As part of this strategic planning process, this committee keeps a strong pulse on the progress of the organization, along with the overall climate of the obesity landscape, in order to best develop long-term strategy and direction to fulfill the OAC’s mission of serving individuals affected by obesity.
Committee Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Melinda J. Watman, BSN, MSN, CNM, MBA – Committee Co-chair
Tammy Beaumont, RN, BSN
Pam Davis, RN, BSN, CBN, MBA
Jaime Fivecoat, MBA
Amber Huett-Garcia, BS, MPA
Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA
Joe Nadglowski – Staff Liaison
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is responsible for overseeing all aspects of OAC Membership. The committee will focus its efforts on membership structure, cost, recruitment, retention and member engagement and activation. The Membership Committee also forms relationships with related groups and organizations to communicate OAC membership efforts and ways to engage others in the OAC and its membership.
Committee Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Debe Gau – Committee Chair
Nikki Massie, MA
Jonathan Croft
Jaime Fivecoat, MBA
Faith Anne Heeren
Jason Krynicki
Elizabeth Paul
Ahn Vu Pham
Lisa Gresco-White – Staff Liaison
Mental Health Committee
Committee Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Robyn Pashby, PhD – Committee Chair
Jaime Fivecoat, MBA
Debe Gau
Allison Grupski, PhD
Elizabeth Paul
Wendy Pruim
Melinda J. Watman, BSN, MSN, CNM, MBA
Michelle Vicari – Staff Liaison
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee bears two major responsibilities. The first is to prepare a slate of candidates annually for consideration of the Board and Members for the Board of Directors as detailed in the code of regulations. The second is a review of all potential member volunteers that may serve on the OAC’s committees. The Nominating Committee will present such candidates for final approval to the Board of Directors.
Committee Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA – Committee Chair
Ahn Vu Pham – Committee Chair
Pam Davis, RN, BSN, CBN, MBA
Jaime Fivecoat, MBA
Amber Huett-Garcia, BS, MPA
Joe Nadglowski – Staff Liaison
Weight Bias Committee
The Weight Bias Committee focuses on identifying weight bias in the general public and engaging the OAC supporter base in combating bias through various OAC-based tactics. The committee coordinates closely with the visibility and education committees on developing, producing and distributing resources on weight bias to educate the general public.
Committee Members
Kristal Hartman – OAC Chair
Patty Nece, JD – Immediate-past OAC Chair
Maya Cohen
Timisha Malone, LCSW, LMSW, MSW
Linda Shapiro Manning, MD, PhD
Kevin Stephens
Melinda Watman, BSN, MSN, CNM, MBA
Tracy Zvenyach, PhD, MS, RN – Staff Liaison