
Community News

5 Tips for Staying on Track
in , on April 22, 2014

Even the most active individuals go through periods where it’s challenging to get up and moving. Do not panic! Here are 5 tips to stay motivated with your exercise program:  1. Get to know yourself better! I always ask my clients two questions at the beginning of their journey: What have been your obstacles in
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Getting Back on Track
in , on April 9, 2014

With the spring season quickly approaching, people often want to get back into their exercise routine but aren’t sure where exactly to start. In this blog series, we’ll help you get back into your routine with some great information and tips! Getting back into an exercise routine is challenging. If it weren’t challenging, everyone would
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CrossFit: Know Your Goals and Your Limitations!
in , on March 30, 2014

CrossFit Inc. claims, “The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree not kind.” Though this statement may be true, a good trainer should still be able to modify or exchange an exercise so it works for the individual’s needs—not just the program. Most of us, no matter what our athletic ability, have
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