Childhood Obesity Day: Click Here to Take Action if you believe that children with obesity deserve the same access to healthcare as adultsMarch 6th: Childhood Obesity Day

Today’s focus during Obesity Care Week (OCW) is on childhood obesity. This can be a tough topic to tackle, but childhood obesity is an important issue because it places kids at risk for diseases that were once only seen in adults (such as type 2 diabetes). When childhood obesity goes untreated, health complications continue and get worse in adulthood.

Nonetheless, childhood obesity rates are climbing with more than 18% of children affected. This makes it the most common chronic disease of childhood.

Resources on Childhood Obesity:

Here’s the Issue:

Addressing weight is hard for anyone in general. However, it can be harder with children. That’s why families need resources and trained healthcare providers to help. Children with obesity also need comprehensive healthcare for families to be able to navigate their health journeys as a team. Family involvement is key for childhood weight management and treatment.

Take Action on Childhood Obesity Day

The OAC supports Obesity Care Week in believing that children with obesity deserve the same access to healthcare as adults, because obesity is a disease at any age. Do you believe this too?