OAC is pleased to welcome one brand new member to our honorary Chairman’s Council – FitForMe!
FitForMe has pledged their support at the Bronze level and has partnered with the OAC to help us improve the lives of individuals affected by obesity through education, advocacy and support. They are a unique brand specializing in tailor-made, scientifically proven bariatric multivitamins for patients who have had bariatric surgery.
Specifically, FitForMe writes, “Produced to the highest standards, our supplements always contain the right form and dosage to support bariatric patients. The unique FitForMe formula helps bariatric patients on a daily basis. A tailored, affordable, one-a-day supplement will give a patient all the vitamins and minerals their body needs. We support and join them on their journey toward a healthier life.” You can learn more about FitForMe by visiting their website.
OAC is honored to have the support of FitForMe on our honorary Chairman’s Council, and we welcome any individual, organization or company who wishes to join our highest level of OAC Community membership! OAC’s Chairman’s Council is an excellent way to give back to our cause and play an integral role in helping us continue our initiatives and serve individuals affected by obesity.
To learn more about OAC’s Chairman’s Council or to join today, please CLICK HERE.