Tampa, Fla. – It is estimated that more than 200 million Americans are affected by excess weight or obesity. The disease of obesity is often related to many other diseases and conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, osteoarthritis, and some cancers. Despite all of this, the discussion of weight is often avoided between the individual affected and their healthcare provider – until now.
Your Weight Matters is a National obesity and health awareness Campaign with the goal of encouraging individuals to have the conversation of weight with their healthcare provider. “We know the conversation of weight is often difficult for individuals affected by excess weight, or obesity, and their healthcare providers. The Campaign video PSA is an excellent representation of what an individual experiences when taking that important first-step in taking control of their weight and health – having that first conversation,” said Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO.
The Campaign consists of a variety of FREE resources, such as the Your Weight Matters Campaign Toolkit, which provides readers with information on weight-loss options, exercise, nutrition, sample questions for their provider and a food journal. Individuals wanting to learn more about their weight and health can receive the Campaign Toolkit for free by simply taking the Campaign challenge online at www.YourWeightMatters.org.
“The OAC is excited to debut the Your Weight Matters Campaign video PSA. Since its launch, the Campaign has helped countless Americans take control of their weight and health. The Campaign Toolkit is an excellent resource for individuals affected by excess weight or obesity. It gives individuals a sense of knowledge, comfort and most importantly – confidence. Being prepared to talk to your healthcare provider about your weight is extremely important, and the Campaign helps individuals ready themselves for that first talk,” said Pam Davis, RN, BSN, CBN, OAC Chairman.
To view the National PSA and take the Your Weight Matters Challenge today, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKmquzBZf4E.
The OAC is a National nonprofit charity dedicated to helping individuals affected by obesity. The OAC was formed to bring together individuals struggling with weight issues and provide educational resources and advocacy tools.