Tampa, Fla. –In recognition of the month of September being declared “National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month” by President Barack Obama and the U.S. Congress, the OAC is issuing a national call for all Americans to stop discriminating against and bullying children affected by obesity. The OAC is urging Americans to recognize the fight against childhood obesity should not include the stigmatization of the children affected. The OAC is asking all Americans to sign-on to a national petition calling for an end to childhood obesity discrimination and bullying.
Childhood obesity discrimination and bullying takes place each and every day in the United States. As a result, children find themselves negatively targeted by society. As obesity affects one in three children, there is a considerable and valid reason to be concerned about the vulnerability of our nation’s youth. The consequences of weight discrimination at such a young age can have both an immediate and long term impact on a child’s health and quality of life.
“Childhood Obesity Awareness Month was not only developed to address the health implications of childhood obesity, but also the emotional aspects. As this disease has become an epidemic in the U.S., we often hear of the medical consequences, such as diabetes; however, rarely do we hear of the emotional side of being an overweight child. The OAC feels the emotional aspect is equally important to address alongside the health aspects. Children affected often encounter verbal teasing by peers, physical bullying and social exclusion. It is time for us, as a society, to put an end to this type of behavior,” said Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO.
As school begins for many children in the month of September, the OAC feels it is vitally important to raise awareness of childhood obesity discrimination and bullying as school settings are often the catalyst for such behavior. The impact of this type of behavior has negative consequences for a child’s psychological, social and physical health. These victimized children are more vulnerable to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and poor self-body image.
The petition will be sent to President Barack Obama, elected officials and school boards throughout the U.S. For more information on the OAC or to learn how to become a member of the Coalition and support the OAC’s efforts, please visit www.obesityaction.org.
About the OAC
The OAC is a nonprofit National charity dedicated to helping those affected by obesity. The OAC was formed to bring together individuals struggling with weight issues and provide educational resources and advocacy tools.