Today, March 3rd, is Obesity Treatment Day of Obesity Care Week.
This awareness day is important because obesity is a chronic disease, meaning it requires comprehensive, lifelong healthcare. Unfortunately, due to stigma, many people don’t think of obesity as a condition that needs treatment. However, treating obesity is not as simple as “eat less and move more.” Treatment must be science-based, focused on health, and include a range of options for patients.
What Does Quality Obesity Treatment Look Like?
- Providers are aware of and consider all appropriate treatment options
- Providers are trained to offer tools and support for successful weight management
- Includes a combination of science-based treatment approaches
- Focuses on biology, psychology, behavior, environment and other root causes of obesity
- Is about health, not a number on the scale
- Involves shared decision-making between the patient and their healthcare provider
- Is science-based, realistic and provides results
- Care is lifelong, not just while a patient is actively trying to lose weight
The Difference it Makes
Having access to obesity treatments can be life-changing. A good example is the story of OAC Member Patty Nece, JD, whose health journey was transformed when she started seeing an obesity medicine specialist with a refreshing approach to weight management. Read their story HERE.
Even weight-loss as little as 5-10% may reduce the effects of obesity-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or osteoarthritis. Finding a provider, working with them closely and having a trusting relationship can make all the difference.
Examples of treatment include, but are not limited to:
- Behavior counseling and modifications
- Community-based programs
- Commercial weight-loss products and programs
- Medical weight management
- Bariatric surgery and devices
Resources on Obesity Treatment:
- OAC’s Obesity Care Provider Locator
- Benefits of Obesity Care and Treatment Fact Sheet
- OAC’s Understanding Your Weight Loss Options Brochure