Tampa, Fla. – The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) is proud to announce Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA, as Vice-chairman of the OAC. As a longtime OAC member and frequent Your Weight Matters Magazine author, Ted has consistently provided the OAC with dedication, knowledge and obesity-focused expertise.
“I am truly honored to have Ted as Vice-chairman of the OAC. Ted has served on the OAC Board of Directors for the past three years and I have thoroughly enjoyed his perspective in many areas, including weight bias, treatment and more,” said Pam Davis, RN, CBN, BSN, OAC Chairman.
Ted was also the recipient of the 2012 OAC “Member of the Year” award presented at the Inaugural Your Weight Matters Convention. “Ted has been an essential part of the OAC. He has assisted us on Capitol Hill by bringing both a personal and professional viewpoint of obesity when advocating to legislators. We are very excited to have him serve as Vice-chairman,” said Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO.
“Serving as Vice-chairman of the OAC will be an honor. The OAC is unlike any other obesity-focused nonprofit. The OAC truly represents those affected by this disease and fights on a daily basis to ensure those affected are respectfully represented in all areas, such as advocacy, combating weight bias and discrimination, treatment and much more. I hope my service can complement the passion and determination of all our members,” said Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA, OAC Vice-chairman.
The OAC also welcomed Michelle Vicari to the 2013-2014 Board of Directors. Michelle was the recipient of the 2012 “Outstanding Membership Recruitment by an OAC Member” award and she is best known for her popular and insightful blog, titled “The World According to Eggface.”
The OAC National Board of Directors are as follows: Pam Davis, RN, CBN, BSN, Chairman of the Board; Ted Kyle RPh, MBA, Vice-chairman; Barbara Thompson, MLS, Immediate-Past Chairman, Georgeann Mallory, RD, Treasurer; Jacqueline Jacques, ND , Secretary; Titus Duncan, MD; Jim Fivecoat, MBA; Amber D. Huett; Robert Kushner, MD; Walter Lindstrom, Jr., Esquire; Holly F. Lofton, MD; Tracy Martinez, RN, BSN, CBN; Rebecca Puhl, PhD; Lloyd Stegemann, MD; and Michelle Vicari.
The OAC is a National nonprofit charity dedicated to helping individuals affected by obesity. The OAC was formed to bring together individuals struggling with weight issues and provide educational resources and advocacy tools.