Tampa, Fla. – The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), along with supporting organizations, are encouraging health and beauty retailers nationwide to remove all BlissWorld, LLC, “fatgirl” products, such as “fatgirlslim,” “fatgirlsleep,” “fatgirlscrub” and others from store shelves and Web sites, as they greatly perpetuate weight bias and stigmatization.
“The ‘fatgirl’ line of products manufactured by BlissWorld, LLC, greatly perpetuates weight bias and stigma. No other disease is used to promote health and beauty products; however, it is acceptable to use the word ‘fat’ in the marketing of these products. We are calling on BlissWorld, LLC, and other health and beauty retailers, to immediately remove the ‘fatgirl’ line of products from store shelves. We are also requesting that BlissWorld, LLC, change the name of their product line,” said Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO.
Along with serious medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea and more, the disease of obesity carries the burden of being one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination in today’s society. The “fatgirl” product line is stigmatizing toward individuals affected by obesity and minimalizes obesity as a serious health condition.
“The OAC simply will not overlook weight bias or stigma in any form. Individuals affected by obesity have suffered the effects of weight bias long enough. The OAC will stand up for treating all people affected by obesity with respect,” said Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA, OAC Chairman.
Along with today’s announcement, the OAC is also encouraging its members, and the general public, to contact various health and beauty retailers nationwide and ask them to remove the “fatgirl” product line from their store shelves and online sites.
The OAC is looked upon as a subject matter expert on weight bias and discrimination and is regularly called upon by various media outlets to comment on obesity-related issues. Anchored by the OAC’s “Ban the F Word: Fat Shaming” movement, the OAC has seen many recent weight bias victories.
We thank the following organizations for pledging their support for this important issue: the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS); B Stigma-Free; and the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA).
About the OAC:
The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), a more than50,000 member-strong National nonprofit organization, is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals affected by the disease of obesity through education, advocacy and support.