Tampa, Fla. – Today, the OAC announced the release of its Spanish version of the highly-successful Your Weight MattersSM Campaign toolkit. “With more than 42 percent of the U.S. Hispanic population impacted by the disease of obesity, we felt it was imperative to offer the Campaign and its contents to this population,” said Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO.
The disease of obesity carries with it exposure to more than 40 related conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and more. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health’s Web site, in 2011, Hispanic Americans were 1.2 times as likely to be affected by obesity than non-Hispanic whites.
The Your Weight Matters Campaign is a National health awareness initiative designed to educate individuals on the impact of weight on their health and encourage them to have the conversation of weight with their healthcare provider. To prepare for the conversation, the Campaign issues a virtual challenge to participants to make a pledge to talk to their doctor and in return, individuals receive the Your Weight Matters toolkit. The Spanish version of the toolkit is available for FREE by visiting www.YourWeightMatters.org/en-espanol. The toolkit is available in both hard copy and online version.
“To date, thousands of individuals have taken the Your Weight Matters Campaign Challenge. The Campaign toolkit is an excellent resource to help you prepare to talk to your doctor about your weight. From sample questions to more information on obesity treatments, the toolkit has everything you need to help you improve your weight and health,” said Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA, Chairman of the OAC National Board of Directors.
The Campaign is a part of the Your Weight Matters brand, which also features the Your Weight Matters Annual Convention. This year, YWM2014 will take place in Orlando, Fla. on September 25-28. Visit www.YWMConvention.com for details.
About the OAC
The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), a nearly 50,000 member-strong National nonprofit organization, is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals affected by the disease of obesity through education, advocacy and support. To learn more about the OAC, please visit www.ObesityAction.org.