EVERYONE should have access to healthcare. Access should not be limited by a person’s weight, size or economic status. Nonetheless, people living with obesity often face many barriers when they seek obesity treatment or care. These are just a few:
- Less than 1% of physicians are certified in obesity medicine (availability)
- Many insurance companies don’t cover science-based treatments like FDA-approved medications, bariatric surgery or nutrition counseling (affordability)
- Weight bias is present in healthcare (stigma and respect)
National Obesity Care Week Will Elevate these Issues
We can’t be silent about the barriers patients with obesity so often face. We have to raise our voices. That’s why the OAC, as a Founding Champion of National Obesity Care Week (NOCW), is asking you to pledge your support for access to quality care without barriers.
NOCW will host a special addition “Access to Care Week” September 15-21. With help from the public, the campaign will raise awareness about current barriers in obesity care and work to improve them. We know that OAC Members and supporters can lead the charge!
3 Easy Ways to Support NOCW:
- Pledge Your Support.
CLICK HERE to take NOCW’s quick pledge that shows you support access to care without barriers. Afterwords, share the pledge with friends, family, colleagues, co-workers and healthcare providers.
- Share Your Own Experiences
Have you ever been denied an obesity treatment or service that you really needed? Have you ever been stigmatized or shamed by a healthcare provider? Have you ever gone to an appointment that didn’t have the right size scale, blood pressure cuff or exam gown?
These are all valid experiences. If you’ve faced any kind of barrier with accessing obesity treatment or care, please consider sharing it to raise awareness of these issues. Email nocw@obesityaction.org or Follow/Share/Reply to NOCW on social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
- Get Ready, Get Set…
GO starting September 15! After you take the pledge, you’ll be signed-up to hear more ways you can get involved once NOCW arrives. Stay tuned through September for quick, easy and meaningful ways you can make a difference in access to care!