Vicky Blackard,
Palm Harbor, Florida
I work as a bariatric program manager, but more importantly, I am a bariatric patient. It is not only my job to have the most current information on diet, vitamins, exercise and support for my patients, but this is also my life! I am always looking for the best way to care for us.
The OAC is always my first go-to when I am looking for ideas for my support group and my patients. Providing support through our weight management journey is so important for success. Being a part of a community that understands our struggles and hurdles in today’s world makes a huge difference. I encourage all our patients navigating the weight management journey to join the OAC and follow the Your Weight Matters Campaign. The information is so valuable!
Beyond my patients, however, and because of my own struggles, I have also become passionate about advocacy throughout the years. The OAC’s commitment to advocacy and dedication to the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act is so inspiring. The OAC staff and advocacy volunteers are so dedicated in the fight for seeing this Act is passed. I am privileged to be a part of it and have continuous opportunities through the OAC Community to take action too!
One of the best events I have ever been to was the Your Weight Matters National convention last year in 2017. The classes were current and right on target for my needs. There was a social event during the Convention. For the first time in over 20 years I danced without fear that people were laughing at me. There was no judgement. The whole conference was an amazing time. To be with people that understood me and what I was going through was like nothing else I had experienced before. There is definitely a community feeling to the OAC. You feel like you are a part of something special and anything is possible. There is truly strength in numbers. Thank you OAC Community for all you do!