Take the Pledge to Speak out and Challenge Perceptions of Obesity
The disease of obesity affects more than 93 million Americans but is extremely misunderstood. Unfortunately, there are many false but common perceptions of obesity that create barriers for people seeking help, support and treatment. These perceptions also cause harmful weight stigma.
Help OAC raise a stronger awareness of obesity and challenge these perceptions by signing and sharing our pledge.
I PLEDGE:- To challenge my own perceptions about obesity and people affected by it.
- To speak out and share knowledge to help others recognize false perceptions of obesity and the stigma they create.
- To take action and make a difference by being a part of the conversation to improve obesity understanding and support.
Resources to Help You Challenge Perceptions
From the OAC Blog:- Challenging Obesity Perceptions: “Obesity is Not a Disease”
- Challenging Obesity Perceptions: “Obesity is the Result of a Poor Lifestyle”
- Challenging Obesity Perceptions: “All They Need is Willpower”