I am Not My Weight, I am
An AdvocateA TeacherA SurgeonAn AuntA RunnerA Fitness Coach

Our weight does NOT define who we are, and the number on the scale is NOT our identity. Through the “I am Not My Weight” campaign, the OAC wants to help remind you of this fact. This campaign aims to highlight who we are, how we define ourselves and show others how we want to be seen!

You can join us in this effort by taking a photo what it is that defines YOU. We want you to use your voice and help us spread awareness on the importance of knowing that your weight does not define who you are as a person. The pictures above are designed to show examples of photos and how you can take part in this powerful campaign. The OAC plans to share these photos to inspire others (with your permission, of course), and you could even be featured in our opening session at YWM2019!


Get Started:

  1. Take a piece of paper, write “I am” and write how you identify yourself! Examples: A Mom, a Dancer, a Teacher, an Advocate, etc.
  2. Take a picture of yourself holding the piece of paper (Feel free to take a selfie, or you can even ask someone to take it!)
  3. Share your picture with us using the form below and attaching your photo. It’s that easy!

Share your photo using the form below:

* Required


Get Social!

If you want to share your picture with us through social media, just upload it to any of your social media platforms, tag us or use the hashtag #IAmNotMyWeight!


