Copy and paste the text below:
Dear [Healthcare Provider Name and Credentials],
As a member of the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), a more than 63,000 member-strong national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by the disease of obesity, I would like to thank you for your positive approach to helping me with my weight and health.
As part of OAC’s Weight Bias Action Month for July 2019, the OAC is reaching out to various healthcare provider organizations encouraging them to include weight bias in their continuing education. As I am sure you are aware, weight bias in healthcare can lead to delayed medical appointments and the desire to no longer seek any type of medical care.
The healthcare provider/patient relationship is very important in addressing weight and health. I am very thankful that I have not experienced weight bias in your practice and that has helped me in my journey with weight.
If you are not familiar with the OAC, I encourage you to learn more by visiting The OAC offers many valuable resources to help your patients on their journey with weight and health.
Thank you for your time,