OAC Community Member Melinda Watman shares her experience testifying about the need for greater access to obesity care coverage in Massachusetts.
OAC Community Member Melinda Watman shares her experience testifying about the need for greater access to obesity care coverage in Massachusetts.
Are you registered yet for YWM2019? Attending can help you break through the tough parts of your journey with weight, rejuvenate you, and equip you for sustaining success. Don’t miss the country’s best weight management education, support, resources, tools and FUN! Advance Registration ends July 19, so get your plans started and come join us!
OAC Community Member Walt Medlin, also a bariatric surgeon and bariatric surgery patient, shares his thoughts on the need for improved access to obesity care. Be encouraged by his perspective and then add your name with the OAC to support greater access to care of all types!
June is Men’s Health. Join the OAC in spreading the message that all everyone’s health is important, and it’s critical we see our healthcare providers often to stay on top of prevention and treatment.
OAC Community Member Sarah Bramblette shares her story of attending one medical appointment in particular which illustrated many different and serious access to care issues. Read about Sarah’s experiences and add your name alongside the OAC to support access to care for everyone!
Are you registered yet for YWM2019 in Tampa this August? We asked some attendees why they were motivated to sign-up and join us, and their answers speak to the quality and community of this event. We hope you’ll register too!
Looking for additional resources and information to help you with weight management? Explore the YWM2019 EXPO Hall featuring more than 30 diverse vendors — offering products, services, samples…you name it!
The OAC is excited to welcome the SILVER LEVEL support of Amgen, a new member of our honorary Chairman’s Council! Learn more about Amgen and our common mission to improve the lives of patients affected by obesity while leveraging a science-based approach.
You’ve achieved meaningful accomplishments in your health journey… now celebrate your milestones and give back to the OAC, too! The OAC makes it easy year-round with our Donor Program. Here’s how you can participate.