OAC’s 10 Year Anniversary

Building Momentum for the Future

For 10 years, the OAC has been the leading National nonprofit standing-up for individuals affected by obesity. Throughout the past few weeks, we’ve shared with you how we began, what we’ve done for the more than 93 million Americans affected by obesity since we were formed and where we’re going next.
Now we need YOU to help us build our momentum for the future! To learn more about all the ways you can support the OAC’s work, please CLICK HERE!

Before the OAC…

Ten years ago, one politician stood up and said that he could completely eliminate coverage of obesity treatments because there was no one to represent the individuals affected by this disease. Although more than 93 million Americans are impacted by obesity, they were overlooked, and no organization existed to stand for the individual with obesity. That all changed in 2005 with the creation of the Obesity Action Coalition.

Celebrating 10 Years

Throughout the month of June, we’ve been sharing our journey — from the beginning of it all to where we are now — and we invite you to celebrate with us! For the past decade, the OAC has been the leading organization standing up for individuals with obesity. Today, we’re a 50,000-member strong organization making an impact through our mission of education, advocacy and support.
As we share our journey with you, please join us in celebrating the OAC’s history, accomplishments, and future as together we build our momentum. We’ll be sharing more of our journey with you each week in June, and we invite you to not only stay tuned for exciting opportunities to get involved with us, but help us share the OAC’s message on your own social media, in support groups, and with other individuals who could benefit from all that the OAC has to offer!

Help Build Our Momentum for the Future

The Future of the OAC

10 Years with the OAC

The Beginning…

Previously, there was no place for individuals with obesity to turn for evidence-based education. There was no group standing up against stigma and weight bias against individuals with obesity, and there was no one to give these individuals a voice. The OAC was the first organization of its kind, and remains the leading organization standing up for individuals with obesity.